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Prayer for Children in Care of the Wicked

 Heavenly Father,

We come before You with heavy hearts, burdened for the children who are in the care of evildoers. We lift them up to Your loving and compassionate embrace, knowing that You are a Father to the fatherless and a defender of the weak.

Lord, we pray for the protection of these children. Surround them with Your angels and shield them from harm. Bring them out of dangerous and harmful situations, delivering them from the hands of evildoers. Give them a place of safety, where they can experience Your love and find refuge.

Father, we pray for justice to prevail on behalf of these children. Expose the evildoers and bring their deeds into the light. Grant wisdom and discernment to those in authority to intervene on behalf of the children, ensuring their well-being and removing them from the clutches of wickedness.

We ask for healing, Lord, for those who have already suffered at the hands of evildoers. Mend their broken hearts and restore their innocence. Bring comfort to their wounded spirits and surround them with caring and compassionate individuals who can provide the love and support they need.

Father, we pray for those who perpetrate evil upon children. We ask for conviction and a transformation of their hearts. May they encounter Your love and experience genuine repentance. Help them to turn away from their wicked ways and seek forgiveness and restoration.

Lord, we pray for the caregivers and professionals who work with these children. Strengthen and equip them with wisdom, compassion, and resilience. Provide them with the resources and support they need to fulfil their roles effectively. May they be agents of healing and restoration in the lives of these precious children.

Father, we lift up the children's future to You. Redeem their past and present, and shape their future into one filled with hope, joy, and purpose. Surround them with individuals who will guide them in Your ways and nurture their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Lord, we trust in Your sovereignty and unfailing love. You are the defender of the weak and the one who brings justice to the oppressed. We place these children in Your capable hands, knowing that You are their ultimate protector and provider. In Jesus' name. Amen.