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Prayer Against the Schemes of the Wicked

 Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging that the schemes of the wicked are prevalent in this fallen world. We pray for Your divine intervention and protection against the plans and tactics of the enemy. We trust in Your power to bring light into darkness and to frustrate the plans of evildoers.

Lord, we pray for discernment and wisdom to recognize the schemes of the wicked. Open our eyes to see through deception and discern the works of darkness. Grant us spiritual insight and understanding, so that we may be aware of the enemy's tactics and strategies.

We ask for Your protection, Lord, against the schemes of the wicked. Surround us with Your hedge of divine protection. Shield us from harm and deliver us from the evil one. Guard our hearts, minds, and spirits from the influences of wickedness and from falling into temptation.

Father, we pray for the exposure and downfall of the wicked. Unmask their hidden plans and agendas. Expose their deceit and lies. Bring their schemes to light, so that they may be revealed for what they truly are. Confound their efforts, Lord, and let their plans come to nothing.

We pray for justice to prevail over wickedness. Rise up, O Lord, and defend the cause of the oppressed and the innocent. Bring down the pride and arrogance of the wicked. May Your righteousness and truth triumph over all evil, for You are a God of justice.

Lord, we also pray for the redemption and transformation of those who are involved in wickedness. We ask that You would convict their hearts and bring them to repentance. Show them Your love and mercy, leading them to turn away from their wicked ways and to embrace Your forgiveness and grace.

Father, we take refuge in You, knowing that You are our fortress and our strength. You are greater than any scheme or plan of the enemy. Help us to trust in Your faithfulness and to stand firm in Your truth. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, empowering us to resist the schemes of the wicked and to overcome evil with good.

We declare that You, Lord, are victorious over all evil. We place our hope and confidence in You, knowing that Your plans and purposes will ultimately prevail. Strengthen our faith, Lord, as we navigate through a world filled with wickedness, and help us to shine as lights in the darkness, proclaiming Your truth and advancing Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name. Amen.