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Prayer Against Pride

 Heavenly Father,

We come before You humbly, recognizing that pride is a stumbling block in our lives and a hindrance to our relationship with You. We acknowledge that pride is a sin that separates us from Your presence and distorts our perspective of ourselves and others. We confess that we have allowed pride to take root in our hearts, and we ask for Your forgiveness and deliverance.

Lord, we surrender our pride to You, knowing that only through Your power and grace can it be overcome. We ask that You would reveal to us the areas of our lives where pride has taken hold. Help us to see the ways in which we have exalted ourselves, sought our own glory, and disregarded Your will.

In the name of Jesus, we renounce the spirit of pride that has influenced our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We humble ourselves before You, recognizing that apart from You, we are nothing. We lay down our desires for recognition and success, and we submit ourselves to Your will and purposes.

Father, we ask for a heart transformation. Fill us with a spirit of humility, rooted in the example of Jesus Christ, who humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death on the cross. Teach us to value others above ourselves, to serve selflessly, and to walk in humility before You and our fellow human beings.

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, help us to resist the temptations of pride that come our way. Give us discernment to recognize prideful thoughts and actions, and grant us the strength to turn away from them. Fill us with genuine love and appreciation for others, seeing them as Your beloved creations and treating them with kindness and respect.

Lord, we pray for accountability in our lives. Surround us with godly mentors, friends, and family members who will lovingly point out areas of pride and encourage us towards humility. Help us to receive correction with humility and to grow in character and maturity.

We also pray for the Church as a whole. May the body of Christ be a beacon of humility and love in the world. Help us to put aside divisions and competition, and instead, embrace unity and cooperation. May our interactions with one another be marked by grace, humility, and a genuine desire to build each other up.

We thank You, Lord, for Your patience and love towards us. We trust in Your transforming power to deliver us from pride and to mould us into vessels of humility that bring glory to Your name. May our lives be a testimony of Your grace and may others see Your humility reflected in us. In Jesus' name. Amen.