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Prayer for Purity

 Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts that long for purity in every area of our lives. We recognize that purity is Your desire for us, and we confess that we have fallen short of Your perfect standard. We ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing from all impurities, both visible and hidden.

Lord, cleanse our minds from impure thoughts and imaginations. Help us to guard our hearts and to fill our minds with things that are honourable, true, and praiseworthy. Renew our thought patterns and align them with Your truth. May our thoughts be pleasing to You, reflecting a desire for purity in all that we dwell upon.

We surrender our bodies to You, Lord, as temples of Your Holy Spirit. Give us the strength to flee from all sexual immorality and impurity. Help us to honour our bodies as instruments of righteousness and to resist the temptations of the flesh. Fill us with a deep reverence for the sacredness of our sexuality and guide us in aligning it with Your perfect design.

Father, we pray for purity in our relationships. Help us to pursue healthy and God-honoring connections with others. Give us discernment to recognize toxic influences and unhealthy attachments. May our words and actions be filled with kindness, respect, and love, building others up and glorifying You.

Lord, we ask for purity in our speech. Help us to use our words to edify and encourage others. Guard our tongues against gossip, slander, and any form of communication that tears down rather than builds up. Let our words be filled with grace and truth, reflecting the purity of Your character.

We pray for purity in our entertainment choices. Guide us in selecting media that reflects Your values and promotes wholesome content. Convict us when we engage in entertainment that is impure or leads us away from You. Help us to cultivate discernment and to make choices that align with Your standards of purity.

Father, we also pray for purity of heart. Create in us clean hearts, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Help us to love You with all our hearts and to seek after You wholeheartedly. Remove any idols or sinful desires that may have taken hold of our hearts, and replace them with a deep hunger for righteousness and a passion to know You more intimately.

Lord, we thank You for Your promise that the pure in heart will see You (Matthew 5:8). We long for that intimate communion with You. Help us to walk in purity and holiness, knowing that it is only through Your grace and power that we can attain it. In Jesus' name. Amen.