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Prayer for Leaders

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our leaders before You, recognizing that their positions of authority carry great responsibility and influence. We intercede on their behalf, knowing that You have called us to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). We ask for Your wisdom, guidance, and favour to rest upon them as they fulfil their roles.

Lord, we pray for our government leaders, from local to national levels. Grant them wisdom in making decisions that impact the lives of many. Help them to govern with integrity, justice, and compassion. May they lead with humility, seeking the welfare of the people they serve above personal gain.

We pray for our spiritual leaders, including pastors, ministers, and church leaders. Equip them with Your Holy Spirit to faithfully shepherd Your flock. Grant them discernment and boldness to proclaim Your truth without compromise. Strengthen them in times of opposition or discouragement, and surround them with a community of support and accountability.

Father, we pray for leaders in business, education, and other sectors. Guide them in making decisions that uphold ethical standards and promote the well-being of others. May they lead with integrity, valuing honesty, fairness, and the dignity of every individual. Help them to use their positions of influence to create positive change in our society.

Lord, we ask for protection over our leaders. Shield them from harm, both physically and spiritually. Guard their minds and hearts against temptation and the schemes of the enemy. Surround them with wise counsellors and advisors who will speak the truth and provide godly guidance.

We pray for unity among our leaders, Lord. Help them to work together in cooperation and harmony, setting aside personal agendas for the greater good. Break down any walls of division or discord and replace them with a spirit of collaboration and unity.

Father, we ask for humility in our leaders. Help them to recognize their dependence on You and to seek Your guidance in all they do. May they lead with servant's hearts, always considering the needs of others before their own. Teach them to value and listen to the voices of the marginalized and oppressed, striving for justice and equality.

Lord, we lift up our leaders' families as well. Grant them strength, peace, and support as their loved ones serve in positions of leadership. Protect their relationships and provide them with the resources they need to flourish and grow.

Above all, Lord, we pray that You would work in the hearts of our leaders, drawing them closer to Yourself. Stir within them a hunger for righteousness and a desire to seek Your will above all else. May they walk in the fear of the Lord, guided by Your Word and led by Your Spirit. In Jesus' name. Amen.