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The Things that God Hates

Proverbs 6:16-19

These things the Lord hates: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.


Today we shall delve into Proverbs 6:16-19. Here, wisdom is personified in the words of Solomon, who God Himself blessed with divine understanding and discernment. The verses in focus reveal seven things that the Lord despises. These seven things juxtapose God's perfect nature; thus, He abhors them. Let us highlight each point in depth:


1. Pride

First, 'a proud look.' Our God values humility. Pride is festering arrogance and self-importance. We are reminded constantly through scripture that God sets Himself against the proud.

 Pride often leads to arrogance, a sense of superiority, and it distorts our perception of reality. It creates a barrier between us and God, as it fosters a false sense of self-sufficiency, causing us to believe that we do not need God. God recognises the destructive nature of pride, hence His aversion to it. A proud look can cause harm to communities, causing division and strife. It belittles others and elevates the self. In contrast, Jesus taught and lived humility, encouraging us to do the same.


2. Lies

Second, 'a lying tongue.' As the God of truth, the Lord detests deception and lack of integrity. Lies sow discord, ruin trust, and paint a false reality.

God's disdain for falsehood is not arbitrary. He is the embodiment of truth, one of His defining attributes. When we lie, we not only violate His commandments, but we also contradict His very nature. Therefore, a lying tongue is not just a matter of misleading others; it is a matter of character, integrity, and spiritual alignment with God Himself. Let us strive to uphold truth in all contexts, reflecting God's truthful character.


3. Violence

Third is 'hands that shed innocent blood.' God, the Creator and Giver of life, loathes murder and violence. The innocent should never suffer another's malicious intent.

This phrase is a Biblical metaphor referring to individuals who commit acts of violence, particularly involving innocent lives. God's abhorrence for such actions emanates from His inherent nature of love, justice, and righteousness. Shedding innocent blood represents a grave violation of His divine standards. As believers, we are called to preserve life, promote peace, and protect the innocent, reflecting God's character.


4. Evil Fantasies

Coming in fourth, 'a heart that devises wicked imaginations.' God sees not just our actions, but also our hearts. A heart plotting evil is in stark contrast with God's heart, constantly planning for good.

God's loathing for such a heart is not merely a result of the wicked actions it might produce. Rather, it is the intent, the devious plotting of wickedness, that is truly repugnant to Him. God values the purity of the heart and integrity, where our thoughts, words, and actions align in harmony with His divine will. God does not simply judge our actions. He examines our hearts, our motivations, and our intentions. He grieves over our propensity to scheme and contrive evil, and He yearns for us to turn our hearts away from wickedness.


5. Rushing into Evil

Fifthly, 'feet that are swift to rush into mischief.' Our God respects justice and righteousness. He dislikes it when someone willingly and rapidly moves toward wickedness.

This does not just mean physical movement towards evil, but it symbolises a person's inclination towards sin and morally wrong activities. As Christians, God encourages us to walk in righteousness and pursue actions that promote peace, love, and goodwill amongst humanity. Rushing into evil signifies a blatant disregard for God's commands, which not only grieves God's heart but also takes us further away from His blessings and favour. Therefore, it is our duty to consciously stop and take the time to turn from evil, choose to walk in God's ways, which leads to peace and eternal life.


6. False Witness

The sixth is 'a false witness who speaks lies.' This points to those who deliberately misrepresent the truth, causing harm to others. Our God cherishes truth and justice; so He abhors false testimonies. 

This is a distinct type of lie with a subtle but clear difference: they intentionally claim to have first hand seen or heard something that did not happen, or not seen or heard something that did happen.

God's disdain for this is clear, He highlights a divine expectation of truthfulness and sincerity in all our interactions. This continuous commitment to honesty deepens our character, fosters trust in relationships, and aligns us with God's righteousness. As Christians, we must strive against malicious deceit and uphold the sacred virtue of truth, as God cherishes truth in the inner parts (Psalm 51:6).


7. Church Agitators

And lastly, 'he that sows discord among brothers.' God's desire is for unity amongst His children. Those who intentionally agitate and provoke division are counteracting God's plan for harmony and love amongst believers.

 This figure of speech portrays someone causing division and strife within a community, disrupting unity and harmony. In its biblical context, it refers to a person spreading rumours, untrue statements, or acting to bring disharmony among the members of the church  — the body of Christ.

God's desire is for unity, peace, and love among His children. When we choose deliberately to disrupt this harmony, whether through malicious speech, gossip, slander, or divisive actions, we stand in direct opposition to God's will.

As followers of Christ, we are called to foster unity and promote peace. Anything less is not just a disservice to our brethren, but a direct affront to our Creator. God's hate for such a deed is strong, as it goes against the very fabric of His divine plan for His people.


I beseech us all to reflect upon our own lives and check ourselves against these seven abhorrences. Let us strive to live righteously, embracing honesty, peace, kindness, and humility, following the portrait of God’s character laid out in the scriptures.

Remember, our God does not just see the outward appearance; He sees the heart. Let our hearts then reflect His love. Keep in mind, God's grace is always available for those who seek forgiveness and turn away from past wrongdoings.