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Regret: The Old Man is Crucified with Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


Today, I want to speak to you about a feeling I am sure we've all experienced in our lives — regret. Regret has a way of wrapping its icy fingers around our hearts, haunting us with the ghosts of what we could have, should have, or would have done differently. It tirelessly whispers the mistakes of our yesteryears deep into our thoughts, painting our present with the blush of remorse.

1 John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This scripture elucidates God's abounding love and forgiveness. It reminds us of His unwavering promise to cleanse us from all guilt and shame associated with our past mistakes, if we will only confess and repent.

Regret often holds us captive, convincing us to believe that our past is unforgivable. It threatens to overshadow the love of God, causing disconnection, disappointment, and discouragement. But the blood of Jesus Christ is greater than our past, our mistakes, our regrets. It cleanses our conscience from dead works that we may serve the living God.

When we wallow in regret, we are living in the past, forgetting that our Lord has forgiven us and thrown our sins into the sea of forgetfulness – Micah 7:19. Regret incarcerates us in the illusion that our past mistakes dictate our future, but that is not the truth we know from God's word.

In Philippians 3:13-14, Apostle Paul shared, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” This scripture commands us to forget our past and strain towards our future in Christ.

Beloved, it is essential to understand that the regret you carry bears no fruit. It offers no healing, no growth, only hollowness. It is a device used by the enemy to keep us stagnant, to prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God's love, peace, and mercy.

Yet, we have a choice. We can choose to let regret govern our lives, or we can choose to accept the boundless grace of God, repent sincerely, and move forward, leaving our past at the cross.

Let us allow God's word to inspire us to break free from regret's chains. Seek his forgiveness, bask in his mercy, and let the Holy Spirit guide you onto a path of joy, peace, and righteousness.

When feelings of regret creep in, let us remind ourselves that we are God's chosen, forgiven, and redeemed. We must remember our mistakes and past do not define us, but how we rise after falling does. A righteous person may fall seven times, but they rise again (Proverbs 24:16).

So, let us rise above regret, together with our Lord Jesus Christ, for we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

In conclusion, let us remember God's promise in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even from our past mistakes and the regret they may bring, God is working for our good.


Heavenly Father, we gather, seeking your divine grace and mercy. We confess our human frailty, admitting our countless inadequacies and missteps that have caused us to falter and stumble on our spiritual journey.

Yet, Lord, in the humbling awareness of our failings, we are reminded of your magnificent promise, of your boundless love, and of your steadfast forgiveness. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and joyful hope knowing that you, oh gracious one, are ever ready to forgive, erase our sins and rejuvenate our souls.

Dear God, we beseech you, help us shift our focus from our failings towards your forgiveness. Illuminate our minds as we grapple with self-doubt and regret. Let us not be shackled by the chains of our past transgressions, but free our spirits to be embraced by your divine forgiveness.

We yearn for guidance, dear Lord, to navigate the waves of guilt and remorse that sometimes overwhelm us. Strengthen our faith so that we may once more stand tall in the conviction of your love. Show us how to voice our penitence sincerely, to feel your mercy in the depth of our hearts, and to truly heed the lessons you teach us through our sins.

God, pour out your spirit of compassion and understanding among us. Extinguish the flames of self-condemnation that threaten to consume us and kindle instead the fires of hope and optimism. Encourage us to forgive others as you have forgiven us, fostering love and harmony.

As we lead our lives within this sacred fellowship, empower us to reflect your love and mercy in every thought, word, and deed. May we take comfort and draw courage from the knowledge that even though we stumble, you are ever there to lift us up.

Grant us, oh Lord, the wisdom to view our failings not as fatal flaws, but as lessons encouraging us towards spiritual growth and maturity. May the realisation of our human fallibility be a stepping-stone to a deeper understanding and appreciation of your infinite grace.

In closing, we pray for your guidance and rejoicing as we strive to focus on your divine forgiveness rather than our human failings. We know our journey will not be free of obstacles, but with you as our guide and protector, we are certain of victory.

In the glorious name of Jesus Christ, we commit our hearts and souls. Oh, how privileged we are to be loved by a God whose mercy knows no bounds. Amen.