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Healing from the Scars of Unbiblical Doctrines

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Unbiblical doctrines are teachings and associated methodologies or denominations that veer off the pathway of the Holy Scripture or interpret it in a distorted manner, causing spiritual harm and emotional distress. They are not the genuine reflection of God's message of love and redemption. Yet, they have found a place in some corners of our faith, causing confusion, pain, and lasting trauma.


Remember, dear ones, our faith is built upon the rock-solid foundation of Biblical truth, characterised by God's enduring love, His infinite mercy, and His divine justice. Any doctrine that strays from these principles is not of God. When we encounter such teachings, it can lead to confusion, doubt, and even spiritual trauma. But remember this, God is not the author of confusion but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33)


When we feel they have led astray us, it is important to know that God's grace is sufficient for us, for His power is perfected in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) He is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1) He is on our side, eager to guide us back to His truth and heal the wounds that unbiblical doctrines may have caused.


Healing begins when we turn to the Bible, the source of all truth and wisdom. It is in the comforting words of Scripture that we find our relief. It is in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we find our redemption, our peace, and our healing.


Consider it a call to arms, not with weapons of this world, but with the weapon of God's Word. Immerse yourself in Scripture, for it is the sword of the Spirit. Equip yourself with prayer, for it is our line of communication with Heaven. Surround yourself with a community of believers who are grounded in Biblical truth, for it is in fellowship that we find strength.


As we break free from the shackles of unbiblical doctrines, we may experience a sense of loss, doubt, and confusion. But let us rejoice in knowing that our God is close to the broken-hearted, and He saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)


It is my prayer today that anyone bearing the scars from unbiblical doctrine will find solace in the loving arms of the Lord. Our God is a healer, a redeemer, and a restorer.


Remember, beloved, when we pass through the waters, He will be with us; the rivers will not overwhelm us. When we walk through the fire, we will not be burnt; the flames will not set us ablaze. For He is our Lord, our God, the Holy One of Israel, our Saviour. (Isaiah 43:2-3)


May God's healing balm soothe every hurt and heal every scar. May His truth guide us, His love envelop us, and His peace fill our hearts.


May we continuously seek His face and find in Him our refuge and redemption. I encourage you all, in the name of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, to stand firm in the faith, resist unbiblical doctrines, and hold fast to the Word of God.